Friday, January 23, 2009

Water Polo

So today was my first day with the water polo team but because it was the first practice of the semester there weren't a lot of people there which was fine with me because I sucked! Ill sum up the practice in one short sentence.

Playing water polo takes more energy than conquering the world!

Enough said but Ill explain why...
First off the rules of water polo mandate that you can only touch the ball with one hand at a time, how lame is that, if I have the capability to tread water and hold the ball above my head with both of my hands I see no reason why I shouldn't be rewarded for my outstanding capabilities! Second no one wears goggles in water polo so by the end of the match all of the lights have amazing halos and you look like you have been smoking weed for the past few hours because your eyes are so blood shot. And finally swimming back and forth across the pool (we played the width of the pool not the length, THANK GOD!) while trying to see where everyone else is and keep your head above the water is exhausting. And that doesnt even include the constant changing of directions, I mean you think just swimming back and forth would be enough but trying to maneuver your body quickly in the water in an upright position is not as easy as the Olympians make it look!
Nevertheless I had a great time and plan on continuing my weekly masochistic ritual of water polo.


  1. Nice, but please keep your energy for friends too, ok? ;)
    See you tonight!
