Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well I have decided/have kind of been forced to give up all of my hesitations to food. Its literally impossible not to ham or pork products here so that one went out the door, pretty much the first week because hunger took over and well lets just say it won. But it did make me really sick the first time I ate pork and the second time I had a stomach as well, and not just because of the psychological stresses of eating something I have avoided for so long. I still dont really like the taste of lunch meat ham but they have smoked ham here that looks like bacon and tastes like salt which I really like haha.
Im really proud of myself because I have only not eaten one thing that was put in front of me! It was this hors d'oeuvre (which in France is served at the table and an appetizer is passed) it was an egg that was soft boiled for two minutes so it looked like it hadnt been cooked at all but apparently it was enough. Then on top of that there was this creamy stuff that had a sort of caviar in it and it was refrigerated all together in a wine glass. It looked really cool in the glass but the overwhelming taste of the ocean was a little too much for me and after 2 bites I couldnt do it anymore and had to stop eating. I felt really bad because Im thinking that it was pretty expensive to make but I just couldnt find it in myself to eat it.
Oh and last night I had gizzards!!! I was really really concerned about this because I have this image of the sac that dad would pull out of the chicken or turkey and eat when they are all slimy and nasty looking. So apparently the concern was apparent on my face because my the mom asked what the problem was and I said that I didnt think I would like them but that I would try them. So anyway she made half of what she was planning because I didnt know if I was going to eat them...not my most brilliant moment. But I tried them and they are actually really good! She made them a lot differently than I remember dad eating, she pan seared them so they were cripsy and you have them in a salad with tomotoes, dijon vinaigrette and walnuts. And then we had pasta with butter so it was a really nice dinner.
As I ramble about food, last Sunday it was the mom's birthday so she had her neice, nephew and their two children over as well as one other nephew who is my age. I made salse and guacamole which were a big hit, esp the guac. Then we had boeuf bourguignon with rice which was amazing and two types of French cakes, it was great! But we started the lunch off at 11:30 (a little early I thought) but we didnt eat until 1 because we were drinking Scotch and Pineau (some French wine-ish stuff that is really sweet and really strong) not together though. But we were just drinking with mostly Scotch and a splash of coke, it was an adventure and this was before lunch and I hadnt eaten so I got tipsy pretty quickly. But with lunch we had two more bottles of wine between a bunch of us which wasnt that much but there was also wine in the food. And then after lunch we went and had coffee in the salon and had more dessert! All of this took about 5-6 hours because the guests didnt leave until 5:30 but that was with a lot of chatting afterward. It was amazingly long but really nice because we got to chat so much but I was SO tired afterward.

1 comment:

  1. First off...your dad eats gizzards?! SICK! haha but I'm glad your French mom could cook you some to your liking

    Second...I totally picture you sitting on the couch with scotch in your hand smiling at everyone and just taking it all in :)

    It's good to know that you aren't as hesitant with food there as you were here, but you kind of have to be as you've realized.
