Thursday, January 22, 2009

Classes and French Bureaucracy

As most of you know I was supposed to take 2 psychology classes at Lyon 2 (I am enrolled at Lyon 3 but through an agreement between the universities Im allowed to take 2 classes at other Lyon universities) and I will be able to but to get to this point was a mess. I started off in Arizona making sure that it would all be ok, which I got the ok from the schools in France weeks after several emails. I arrived and looked at maps seeing where the two universities are located and such which is really confusing because each university has 2 campuses but they are not titled as main or primary campus or anything that would be helpful to someone who doesnt know that city or universities. But anyway I talked to the adviser for the international students at Lyon 3 and was told to go to the closer Lyon 2 campus (on the Rhone and right next to Lyon 3 other campus) which I thought was great because its only about 10 min on the But when I got there and asked where the international office was NO ONE knew so instead of telling me they didnt know they sent me all over the campus and finally to the wrong room, which I didnt find out was the wrong room because it was closed that day. So I went back the next day to that room and spoke with the woman there who sent me to the correct place. I arrived at the guys office (who I for sure thought was going to be a girl from his name Emmanuel) and he told me that the classes were offered at the other Lyon 2 campus and that I would have to go there to get the livret du cours (book of classes) from some lady who I for sure thought was going to be a man (francoise). So I spoke with her (after an hour and a half journey from my house!!) and she told me that she was not the right person to speak with about this but that she would be able to give us the livret du cours. So we (me and the other psych student from UA) spoke with her and she told us some of the most useless information ever but I did find out that classes at Lyon 2 are taught from the Freudian perspective which has been discredited in a way in the states and is taught as history and not the contemporary way of thinking. Woo! And this is where the story gets good, the two classes together only come to 4 ECT (european credit system) credits which means that I will receive 2 credits for the classes back at UA so I will have to go BEG the professors to both give me an extra credit point for their class so I can at least get 1 class taken care of over here. So I now have to take a correspondence course from home which is going to be expensive and I dont even know if I will get enough credits from the two classes here to cover the other class. So Im really hoping that everything will work out and I wont be 1 credit shy of graduating in May which would really really piss me off!
Anyway enough minging! Im still really happy to be here and my French is getting so much better and I can pretty much understand the gist of what people say to me! Which is a huge step forward now I just need to work on speaking which is really difficult. As I am constantly thinking about the correct grammar and pronunciation as well as the fact that even if I do get it all right the French still wont understand me because they hear the accent first and then what Im trying to say!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry things aren't going the way you had originally planned. They are totally making you do the run around and it's not fair considering they said everything was fine before you got there. But it will all work out in the end - And your French is getting better and that's all that matters :)

    UM when I read the name Emmanuel I totally thought of Gabriel! HAHA All those Bible names just seem so similar! Maybe they know each other! (Just kidding)
