Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Les Alpes

This last weekend I spent a little time snowboarding and skiing in the Alps. I stayed at a friend's Chalet in Samoens and skied le Grand Massif. It was amazing and just as beautiful as I expected! The runs (called pistes here) in Europe (or at least where I skied) were a lot thinner than in the states, just like everything over here I guess. At home the runs are as wide as 4 lane highways which was not the case at le Grande Massif, there were a lot of runs that were really small connector runs and some were just straight up tiny where you had about 6 ft between a cliff and a snow wall!
Anyway I started off my adventure in the Alps by snowboarding which was going really well the first day until I was on the last run and literally about 3 min from the bottom when I caught an edge and biffed it HARD and straight onto my left cheek. I remember the sensation of falling and the impact of hitting, upon which I saw a mesh of green and blue which quickly turned to all white. I also remember the feeling of my body moving but not a clear sensation much more like falling in a dream. Luckily, Griff and two of the girls who were in the group with us were behind me and they all stopped to make sure I was all right. Apparently Griff was the first to stop but I dont really remember him being there until after one of the girls skied up, which I was told a good 5-10 seconds later. Griff had to hold up my head because it was wobbling about and I remember trying to talk but not really being able to make coherent sentences. Griff also told me that I landed straight on my face without any hands blocking the fall and then my body just stopped moving other than the flip I did because my board went over my head and drug my body with it. Other than that tho the first day was amazing and sunny and really great. But because of the fall being on the last run of the day I was a proper scarredy-pants the next day and decided to just do a half day as well. So Laura, the friend who's chalet we stayed at, and I drove to Geneve to pick up her friend who was flying in to meet us. I also decided that I was going to ski for the rest of the trip because I was not feeling the whole boarding idea.
I surprised myself at how good I still was at skiing seeing as how I haven't done it for over 5 years! I was able to keep up with everyone else a lot easier and I was a lot more confident than I ever was on a board. And on the last day I was doing jumps, not huge ones but a couple seconds of airtime.
Oh and I also bought a helmet after the fall as did one of the girls who saw me fall. I guess if youre going to fall you should be proud of the fact that you can take a beating so hard that you inspire others to buy helmets to protect themselves from a similar fate. haha
Hope you enjoy the pictures, it was amazingly beautiful! It also snowed while we were there which was fantastic and surprisingly not that cold! There was also an inversion layer of fog that made the mountains look that much cooler.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you ate shit pretty hard. glad you are alright!
