Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An unfortunate event

Yesterday I decided to go to my first swim practice and woke myself up at 8:30 to make sure I would be there on time. So when I arrived at 9:30 and the coach told me the practice was full but I could come back for the practice 11 I was surprisingly ok with it. It might have had something to do with the fact that I was able to go to the university (which is right around the corner and the reason I chose this swim practice to go to) and submitted my application to Sciences Po! When I returned I had a great swim practice and was really happy with how much I was able to do, particularly since we were doing I.M.s and breaststroke drill kick. Anyway half way through I could feel my lip starting to tingle and as I predicted I had a cold sore coming on. I kept telling myself that if I put Carmex on it, it would go away and everything would be fine and it wouldnt be that big. Now I dont know if its because I went out last night or what but I woke up this morning and its HUGE! Fortunately it looks like I got punched and not like I have a cold sore BUT I made the mistake of just telling everyone it was a coldsore, which I then had to explain what it is. And even luckier for me it was the first time some of the people had ever seen a cold sore. Now I was not only self conscious and in slight pain from the cold sore but I was also a novelty on display and some people told me "Oh gosh I really just cant stop looking at it" or "You dont look very good today are you feeling alright" although that last one might have been because i didnt sleep a lot last night. Anyway getting a cold sore sucks but getting one in a foreign country, having to explain what it is, and then having everyone wanting to get a better look blows!
For obvious reasons I have not included a picture in this post but Im sure you can image what it looks like when three cold sores fuse into one.

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