Monday, March 2, 2009

Day trip to Dijon

Saturday I went to Dijon with two friends for the day and it was absolutely beautiful. We took the 7:20 am train which was a little rough because I had to get up at 5:30 to get to the train station on time but it was actually a lot easier than I was expecting. It was also really nice that we left so early because we got in early and had 9 hours in Dijon. I was surprised at how fast the time went by because there isnt a whole lot to do in Dijon but it was the perfect day to go because it was sunny and warm. First thing we did when we got to Dijon was have a vin chaud (hot wine) we went into the cafe to get a coffee and hot chocolate but all of the locals were drinking at 10am so we figured when in Dijon, do as the Dijonnaise. It kind of set the laid back tone of the day because we pretty much went from spot to spot around the town just meadering around the town and stopping rather frequently to eat or get a drink.
The day flew by and we did a bunch of circles but I really feel that we did everything that there was to do and really experienced Dijon. We went to the open air market where I took the picture of the nun buying veggies and then we hiked around town a bit and saw some unneccesary PDA that is very typical in France. Oh and we learned that most of the mustard that we buy is from a vinegar base but its SO much better from a wine or champagne base and when made fresh plus the choices available were unreal; like fig and pecan to mushroom and balsamic vinaigrette!
Another really cool aspect of Dijon is that they decorate the roofs of the building with intricate colored patterns which was beautiful. You should be able to see it on the roof of the cathedral which definitely gave it a unique quality and and broke away from the typical serious church look


  1. wait... I'm confused. You kiiinda mentioned mustard in your post. Is this where it originated from?

  2. ps. i'm jealous of you. i think you owe me a plane ticket to come visit you. then i'll call it even. ;)

  3. Dijon is the place where Dijon mustard originated from but it doesnt have to be from this area to be considered Dijon its just a way of making it.
    Ill see what I can do about that ticket
